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Golfscape GPS Rangefinder

4.6 ( 8576 ratings )
Näringsliv Sport
Utvecklare: Shotzoom Software
9.99 USD

Winner of the Apple Design Award!!!
Named Apple App Store Essentials HALL of FAME App! Apple selects the best quality apps.

From the creators of the #1 iPhone golf app, Golfshot: Golf GPS comes this Augmented Reality Rangefinder – An Exciting New Way To View Distances On 40,000+ Golf Courses

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

GPS Rangefinder with distances to:
• Front, Center and Back of Green
• Up to 40 professionally-mapped targets per hole
• 40,000+ courses worldwide mapped and ready to play!


• Golfscape pinpoints your position on the golf course, allowing you to identify potential hazards, choose your desired landing area and see real 360-degree viewing while on the course. 

• GPS Rangefinder with large numbers, front, center and back of green, and up to 40 points per hole

• Position indicators point to each hazard and gives you distance as you hold the iPhone to view your target.

• Assign ideal layup distances for your approach clubs

New course data is loaded for free by Golfshot. View courses at

To add high-quality aerial imagery, scoring and statistics check out the Golfshot: Golf GPS app.